Fourteen Black by artist Tofer Chin is an installation piece set in Parque Lage, a public park in Rio de Janeiro. Chin is part of a collaboration of more than 130 artists for the Rojo Nova Project.
®Nova is an interactive, full-environmental experience utilizing color, light, textures, music and design, in the form of collaborative and integrated compositions by a wide range of artists from around the world…During this constantly evolving and mutating exhibition, the creative process are to be witnessed as an ongoing work in progress rife with experimentation, challenging traditional and contemporary techniques and the bending of modern technology.
As part of this project Chin has taken the idea of light, or rather, absorption of light and has created 14 black, abstract shapes which he has placed around the Patos Lagoon in the park. He refers to his wooden, acrylic-coated structures as “black stalagmites” which he describes as “living and breathing souls, ghosts, spirits, voids, shadows.”
The surroundings only emphasize the existence of these dark structures by providing a completely contrasting, vivid green atmosphere. Chin’s setting also acts as a perfect source of light as the sun rays are able to scatter through the tree tops, creating natural lighting that is able to strike the sharp, angular faces of the triangular shapes.
More information as well as other artists of the Rojo Nova Project can be found here. Also be sure to check out other pieces by Tofer Chin on his website.